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Flat stomach: 3 really simple exercises to do abs without hurting yourself

 Flat stomach: 3 really simple exercises to do abs without hurting yourself

For a flat stomach, toned perineum and even for those who suffer from occasional back pain, discover three very simple exercises to perform at home without equipment to work the abdominal muscles.

This session is for everyone suggested by Julie Ferris, fitness and well-being coach, and consists of three exercises. It is for all mothers (with medical advice), for all women who want to (re)exercise gently after pregnancy, for people who want to improve their posture to prevent back pain, for those who want a flat stomach and slimmer waist without harming themselves, and all women looking to tighten Alaggan Area .

The absolute value of pressure: what is it and what are its benefits?

To get results, both on the silhouette and at the level of the perineum when one is seeking to strengthen them, Julie Ferris recommends pairing the sheathing with lower pressure abdominal exercises.

This method is also called "stomach vacuum", and it is mainly based on the work of breathing, and consists in conducting a kind of "pseudo-chest inspiration".

By working our breathing in this way, we increase our respiratory capacity, effectively relaxing the stomach, while finding "internal stiffness," says Julie Ferris.

As a bonus, we release physical and mental tensions, a real advantage that makes us feel lighter in head and body! The coach encourages: “When you realize that your breathing, you are more relaxed, and you will gradually regain control of your stomach.”

How to achieve abdominal compression abs to gently slim your belly?

Here's a classic version that's perfect for getting started with your lower abdominal muscles:

Get four.

Inhale and relax your belly.

Exhale and pull in your belly. Blow in your nose and pull your belly inward as far as possible, applying pressure to the perineum area.

Then inhale into your belly (without inhaling!)

Exhale and pull your belly back... and so on.

Good tip: Julie Ferrez explains to us that the first time we do a lower abdominal exercise, our stomach may move only a few centimeters... "It's normal, she warns, you have to allow time for your muscles to soften, strengthen - strengthen."

The second possible version to achieve the abs are pressing, which may give you different sensations because, this time, you are sitting:

Sit on your heels.

Open your knees.

Pull your leggings down a bit so they don't irritate you in the stomach area.

In this position, inhale and relax your abdomen.

Exhale, drawing into your stomach.

Inhale the abdomen (without inhaling!).

Hold your breath for 4 or 5 seconds, and feel it work deeply.

Inhale and then release your belly again.

Abdominal strengthening exercise to do on your back

Lie on your mat, head on the floor, feet flat on the floor.

Your back is in a neutral position (lower back is neither arched nor flat).

Take your feet off the mat and place your hands on your knees, then spread your arms out to push your knees back.

  • Raise your feet so that your legs are roughly parallel to your outstretched arms.
  • Bend your arms to 90 degrees and bring your hands toward your face.
  • While maintaining this position, extend your right arm and left leg at the same time on an exhale.
  • Go back while inhaling, then do the same on the other side.
  • Do about 8 reps.

Good tip: Take your time performing these moves, advises Julie Ferris. “Go away, depending on your capabilities, the strength of your stomach and perineum, but make sure that your stomach does not bulge, and get in when you exhale,” the coach specifies.

Sheathing: plank, to refine your waist and get a flat stomach

Finish this little abs session with the sheathing. Elbows plank is a good way to strengthen your abdominal girdle!

Get four.

  1. Come and rest on your forearms: the shoulders should be above the elbows.
  2. With your stomach inside, extend your legs behind you.
  3. Make sure your buttocks are well aligned with your legs and back: they shouldn't rise or fall.
  4. Hold the position for as long as possible, then release.


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